Dear Principal Mabry,
My name is Wilton Martinez and I am 17 years old and I play volleyball and the violin at Celia Cruz Bronx High School of Music.
I believe music education is important because it allows us as people to feel like people again. At least that's the most basic yet very complex term I can think of. As we all grow up it is more and more apparent just how much we forget what being a kid is all about. Through my own experiences I’ve come to the conclusion that music brings back that ”have some fun” mentality we once had.
Music has impacted my life in more ways than I can count. It’s made me feel better at times where I didn’t think possible and it always allowed me to focus when I didn’t think I could. Overall music has just allowed me to be me to say the least.
As a young person I wish to make a difference by advocating for a change in my community. The change I wish to see in the music field is more opportunities for kids to let their creativity loose and make more music. They would be able to record music as well as edit. Students from our school would be able to earn community hours by helping out.
I am advocating for the creation of a studio room in my school because it would allow for more kids to let loose with their creativity.
Please join me in making this possible and advocating for funding so all students can have better access to music education and making their dreams come true.
Wilton Martinez
