Celia Cruz Bronx High School of Music, Junior
I am Nathaniel Andrew Matthie, and when I look at myself in the mirror in the morning I was question myself on this one question. Who I am? I’ve never been able to give myself a clear answer, I’ve been told kind hearted, gentleman, sweetheart, and many other good and bad names, but when I think about that question I always think of what I love the most. I love listening to music and making music, I love drawing, I love playing games, and I love helping people. Which then influences the decisions I make that dictate the rest of my life, i’ve decided to go into music and to go into nursing. I want to peruse nursing not only for the money of course, but because I am put into the position where as I can educate people on how to help themselves and if it comes down to it ill help them. And I am going into music because music is something that’s helped me in my life when I was down, when I was rotting, when I was in need of help. It has been a light in my life and I feel that music is its own thing but has created a whole personality built to make, listen, sing, and be with music so I can spread it to the world and allow others to see what music really is.

Self Portrait & Poem
What the world cannot see can sometimes be what they fear to see the most
They see someone who tries too hard, someone who doesn't do enough, someone who isn’t worth their time, someone with a terrible smile
But what they are afraid to see is how much this person cares, how much they need help, and how much they try
Sometimes it is not about what the world may not see, but about the reality they fear to live in
I am Statement
I am fair
I am pain
I am frustration
I am happy
I am sad, I am joy
I am love, I am Nathaniel
I am a violinist
I am a good human and you are too
I try my best, I fail
But one thing I will forever be is trying